Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wacky Wednesday Poses

It took a lot of bargaining, deal making and 'if/then' statements to get Mary to pose for these 3 photos.
I had some bargaining chips, and I was not afraid to use them. One was ice cream. M*aggie Moos was supposed to be offering a free scoop of ice cream to customers, as part of a tax day promotion.
The local franchise's manager said, when we walked in, that corporate was offering that, not them. So I said someting about deceptive practices and stated that we were going to Coldstone.
Once we got to Coldstone, there were 3 other groups of customers that had walked out of Maggie M*oos to buy from Coldstone. They were told that the promo ran only until 1 p.m , and it was 1:02 p.m when the woman finally came out of the back room and told them this. She didnt mention anything about a time constraint to me.

Anyway, we had our ice cream, did a bit of food shopping and went home to get changed for M's dance class.

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